Ordering page - Ordering info, prices, shipping, payment methods etc..
Keep your car original and numbers matching
-----Pricing for --- Your cores Rebuilt 1964 and newer GM , / 1965 and newer Ford --- $279.00
Jan. SPECIAL---------$239.00 pair ------ LIMITED TIME
1957- 63 Delco Remy Gm ---$299.00 pair ------ Jan. Special $249.95 pair 1956- 64 Ford Amc Mopar $299.00 - pair --- Sorry OUT of parts Trumpet Style horns ---$165.00 each ---------- Jan. Special $149.
Approx. 2-3 weeks turn around
Credit card
Personal check Money
order Paypal
5 yr warranty AMC/ Mopar out of parts You may include a personal check or money order in the box with your horns for repair price plus shipping.
The Horn Works
Restoration Specialist of Collector Car Horns 967 Hackett St. Beloit, WI. 53511 608-361-0095 contact The Horn Works |